Benefits of Insulating Your Storage Shed

When it comes to storage sheds, insulation isn’t always the first thing that pops into your head. Why insulate your shed if it’s just a place to store your lawn equipment? Well, it turns out that the benefits of insulating your shed are more significant than you’d think, and shed insulation can be a fantastic money-saving option for many homeowners. Read on to find out some key benefits of insulating your storage shed.

Can All Sheds Be Insulated?

First things first, it’s important to note that not all storage sheds are suitable for insulation. For example, metal and plastic sheds tend to have a construction that doesn’t lend itself to insulation. However, wooden or vinyl sheds are great when insulated. That said, be sure to take the material of your shed into account before thinking about installing insulation.

Benefits of Insulating Your Shed

Temperature Regulation

Shed insulation keeps the temperature inside your shed more consistent. Depending on what you’re keeping inside your shed, it may be necessary to have a more climate-controlled space. Extreme temperatures can damage sensitive items, like paints, electronics, pottery, and more. Insulating your shed will help to protect vulnerable items within your shed, and even extend their lifespan.

Reduces Moisture

Along with regulating the temperature inside, insulating a storage shed also reduces moisture, which further protects the items inside. Additionally, lowering the moisture in your shed makes it safer and easier to run electrical power to the structure, if you choose to do so. 

Increases Your Shed’s Lifespan

Less moisture in your shed means there’s less of a chance for mold to grow and insects to make your shed their home. What’s more, an insulated shed will be less likely to rot, deteriorate, or rust. As a result, an insulated shed typically lasts longer than a non-insulated one, allowing you to get even more out of your investment! 

More Functionality

Insulating your shed will allow you to more easily transform your storage space into a type of living space. Turn your shed into an office space, workshop, home gym, man cave, or whatever your heart desires! An insulated shed will give you the chance to spend time in your structure no matter the weather. 

Shed Insulation Options

There are several different places in which you can insulate your shed, each serving a different purpose.


The first option is floor insulation, which comes in the form of spun glass fiber panels, or batts. These panels stop cold air, hot air, and moisture from rising up from the ground. They also prevent warm air from drafting out through the floor.


Another spot to insulate your shed is the roof. Shed roof insulation is a flexible blanket of insulation that prevents rapid temperature change inside the structure. Additionally, roof insulation offers superior thermal and sound control in wood framed roofs. Better yet, it’s durable and easy to install.


Wall insulation provides your shed with better thermal performance and improved acoustics, making your structure both a warm and a quiet place. Insulating a shed’s walls will block strong winds, hot air, and cold air from entering and exiting the shed.

Types of Insulation

Shed insulation can come in a few different forms. Here are some of the most widely used types:

  • Fiberglass: rolls of spun fiberglass are the most common type of insulation, for sheds, homes, and beyond. It’s extremely effective and regulating temperature, keeping hot air in and cold air out.

  • Bubble wrap: if you’re on a budget, consider insulating your storage shed with bubble wrap. It’s cost-effective and prevents the heat from escaping.

  • Foam board: polystyrene is a thermoplastic foam which functions as a heat and sound proof barrier. It’s also waterproof, making it a good choice for your shed.

No matter which type of insulation you choose, you can rest assured that it will benefit your storage shed and increase its lifespan.

For more information on shed insulation options, feel free to contact us!


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